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Thursday, 20 December 2012

Gold Coast Morib Resort

** 当然,如此设计的房间,其实是有限的,您必须在入住办理手续前,先要求服务生作如此的安排,此外,您也必须提早抵达度假村,避免如此优美,典雅的房间,被其它客人捷足先登。


沙滩摩托 (About MYR30 / 15 minutes )

烈日低垂,夜晚降至,建议此时此刻的您,最好那都别去,来到海边,欣赏夕阳西下的美景。海岸线旁,竖立着一间间的小木屋,而小木屋的 生命,也因夜幕低垂,开始沸腾,热闹了起来。您可选择您喜爱的位置,座下来享受阵阵凉风,感受海浪的澎湃。三五朋友,知己在小木屋里哈拉。

大饱眼福后,是时候医肚子了,度假村设有International Buffet,价格大约MYR40 ++ 吧,
Holiday Mood : ☺☺☺☺☺(Excellance)
Price : ☺☺☺☺ ( About MYR250 / night )
Location : ☺☺☺☺ ( Easy to find out )

Address : PT 294,Kawasan Kanchong Laut , Morib Beach
              42700 Banting Selangor Darul Ehsan , Malaysia
Tel : 03-3198 1028 / 1046

Monday, 25 June 2012

Restaurant Tong Sheng

Tonight i would like to introduce the special dish that i have't try before . This restaurant allocate at Bandaraya malacca : not far from Mahkota Parade shopping center ( about 10 minute by walk ) .. The attractive thing is the cooking technique,display ,and the price is very equitable .

Let me intro some famous / special dish here , and very sure you have't try it before :
Cekur Manis - Formally know as Vegetable Sabah

1.If i m not mistaken , this call  Cekur Manis , actually This vegetable originate from Malaysia, so it hasn't got an authentic English name.
2. Salted Egg plus tofu , that's only using the yolk for this dish The texture is smooth as those packaged ones at the supermarket and  tasted natural beany goodness in every bite.
Vietnamese Pork

4. Cheesy Prawn meehon - taste very cheesy but not too overpowering which with a hint of peppery taste and the really really big and juicy prawn .Highly recommended for this ........... ^^^

To ensure your journey smoothly , you have to make a reservation 1st before go , since its always fullhouse no matter weekdays or weekends .

Tasted : ☺☺☺☺☺(Excellance)
Price : ☺☺☺☺
Location : ☺☺☺☺☺ ( Easy to find out )

Address :  No.377 & 378 Jalan Taman Melaka Raya 6,
                Taman Melaka Raya,75000 Melaka
Tel : 06-2867811

Have you ever being there ? Leave some comment if any .....

Saturday, 16 June 2012

Arenaa Mountbatten

房间价格适中:介于马币180 - 220 之间,此外,酒店附近设有停车场,轻快铁(Masjid Jemek LRT ),交通方面也非常的便利。酒店内也设有小酒吧/既是24小时营业的。好友三五成群的,都能到此喝 上三两杯。

酒店服务  :☺☺☺☺
度假心情  :☺☺☺☺☺
交通设备  :☺☺☺☺☺
地址 : Arenaa Mounbatten Hotel
No 23, Jalan Tun Perak, 50050 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. 
网页 :

** 有兴趣入住这酒店吗/给点意见吧!!!!!